KAGS (NBC) News reported our research on solar fuel production from CO2 (Link) |
Ying Li |
Professor |
NSF reported our research on CO2 conversion to solar fuels (Link) |
Pioneer Natural Resources Faculty Fellow III |
Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Affiliated Faculty: Department of Chemical Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering Office Building, Room 322 |
3123 TAMU |
PhD Student Openings Available in the research area of nanomaterials, catalysis, and electrochemistry.
Postdoc Opening Available Immediately in electrochemical CO2 reduction.
Self-motivated candidates with background in materials, chemistry, mechanical or chemical engineering are encouraged to apply and contact Prof. Li at yingli@tamu.edu with a recent resume. |
Texas A&M University |
College Station, TX 77843 |
Tel: 1-979-458-6672 |
Fax: 1-979-845-3081
E-mail: yingli@tamu.edu |
Updated on September 26, 2023. |
Education |
Ph.D., Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, 2007 |
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, 2004 |
M.S., Thermal Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 2002 |
B.S., Thermal Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 1999 |
Professional Experience |
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2020-present |
Director of Graduate Programs, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2018-2020 |
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2014-2020 |
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2009-2014 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 2007-2009 |
Research Interest |
Fuels from Sunlight (CO2 photoreduction with water; solar hydrogen; concentrated solar) |
CO2 Capture and Catalytic Conversion (Photo, Electro, and Photo-Thermo-Chemical Conversion) |
Industrial Decarbonization through Advanced Materials Manufacturing |
Energy Storage Devices (lithium ion battery and lithium sulfur battery) |
Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterization |
Water Treatment and Desalination |
Air Pollution Control |
Aerosol Science and Technology |
Engineering Education (Web-Based Educational Modules) |
Honors and Awards |
- Fellow of Royal Soceity of Chemistry (2022)
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2013 (related news report and radio broadcast).
- ACS-PRF New Direction Award, 2017.
- ACS-PRF Doctoral New Investigator Award, 2011.
- UWM College of Engineering and Applied Science Millionaires’ Club Award, 2013.
- UWM Research Foundation Research Fellows Award, 2010.
- Milton Feldstein Memorial Scholarship (1st Place) awarded by the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) in recognition of excellence in air quality research and study, 2006.
- Clair Fancy Scholarship awarded by the Florida Section Air & Waste Management Association, 2006.
- Axel Hendrickson Scholarship awarded by the Florida Section Air & Waste Management Association, 2005.
- 1st Place in the Student Paper Poster Competition (doctoral level) in the 99th A&WMA Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, June 2006.
- 1st Place in the Student Poster Competition (graduate level) in the 43rd Florida Section A&WMA Annual Conference, Jacksonville, October 2006.
- President of the Student Chapter of A&WMA at the University of Florida, won the Best Student Chapter Award for the category of large-size institution, 2007.
Professional Services and Activities |
- Panelist for NSF CBET & CMMI
- Reviewer for American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund
- Reviewer for more than 40 international journals
- Associate Editor: Engineered Science (Engineered Science Publisher)
- Editorial Board: Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (Springer)
- Guest editor: Special issue on CO2 Capture, Sequestration, Conversion and Utilization, for the journal of Aerosol and Air Quality Research, to be published in October 2013.
- Technical program committee member and session organizer, International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XII), Washington D.C., June 2013.
- Organizer, Symposium on CO2 Capture, Sequestration, Conversion and Utilization at 245th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Aprial 2013.
- Chair (2012) and Vice Chair (2011) of Combustion and Material Synthesis Working Group of American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR).
- Session chair, American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Meeting, 2011 & 2012.
- Session chair, Air & Waste Management Association International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities in Air Quality Improvement, XiĄŻAn, China, May 2010.
- Co-organizer and session chair: Web-Based Aerosol Science & Technology Educational Resources Workshop, 27th Annual Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research, 2008.
- Professional membership: American Chemical Society (ACS), Electrochemical Society (ECS), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).