Welcome to Dr. Ying Li's Group Webpage!

Laboratory for Low Carbon Energy and Sustainable Environment




KAGS (NBC) News reported our research on solar fuel production from CO2 (Link)

Ying Li
  Professor   NSF reported our research on CO2 conversion to solar fuels (Link)
Pioneer Natural Resources Faculty Fellow III
Department of Mechanical Engineering
  Affiliated Faculty: Department of Chemical Engineering    
  Mechanical Engineering Office Building, Room 322    
  3123 TAMU  

PhD Student Openings Available in the research area of nanomaterials, catalysis, and electrochemistry.

Postdoc Opening Available Immediately in electrochemical CO2 reduction.

Self-motivated candidates with background in materials, chemistry, mechanical or chemical engineering are encouraged to apply and contact Prof. Li at yingli@tamu.edu with a recent resume.

  Texas A&M University  
  College Station, TX 77843  

Tel: 1-979-458-6672


Fax: 1-979-845-3081

E-mail: yingli@tamu.edu

      Updated on September 26, 2023.
  Ph.D., Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, 2007  
  M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, 2004  
  M.S., Thermal Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 2002  
  B.S., Thermal Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 1999  
  Professional Experience  
  Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2020-present  
  Director of Graduate Programs, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2018-2020  
  Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2014-2020  
  Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2009-2014  
  Postdoctoral Research Associate, Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 2007-2009  
  Research Interest  
  Fuels from Sunlight (CO2 photoreduction with water; solar hydrogen; concentrated solar)  
  CO2 Capture and Catalytic Conversion (Photo, Electro, and Photo-Thermo-Chemical Conversion)  
  Industrial Decarbonization through Advanced Materials Manufacturing  
  Energy Storage Devices (lithium ion battery and lithium sulfur battery)  
  Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterization  
  Water Treatment and Desalination  
  Air Pollution Control  
  Aerosol Science and Technology  
  Engineering Education (Web-Based Educational Modules)  
  Honors and Awards  
  • Fellow of Royal Soceity of Chemistry (2022)
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2013 (related news report and radio broadcast).
  • ACS-PRF New Direction Award, 2017.
  • ACS-PRF Doctoral New Investigator Award, 2011.
  • UWM College of Engineering and Applied Science Millionaires’ Club Award, 2013.
  • UWM Research Foundation Research Fellows Award, 2010.
  • Milton Feldstein Memorial Scholarship (1st Place) awarded by the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) in recognition of excellence in air quality research and study, 2006.
  • Clair Fancy Scholarship awarded by the Florida Section Air & Waste Management Association, 2006.
  • Axel Hendrickson Scholarship awarded by the Florida Section Air & Waste Management Association, 2005.
  • 1st Place in the Student Paper Poster Competition (doctoral level) in the 99th A&WMA Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, June 2006.
  • 1st Place in the Student Poster Competition (graduate level) in the 43rd Florida Section A&WMA Annual Conference, Jacksonville, October 2006.
  • President of the Student Chapter of A&WMA at the University of Florida, won the Best Student Chapter Award for the category of large-size institution, 2007.
  Professional Services and Activities  
  • Panelist for NSF CBET & CMMI
  • Reviewer for American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund
  • Reviewer for more than 40 international journals
  • Associate Editor: Engineered Science (Engineered Science Publisher)
  • Editorial Board: Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (Springer)
  • Guest editor: Special issue on CO2 Capture, Sequestration, Conversion and Utilization, for the journal of Aerosol and Air Quality Research, to be published in October 2013.
  • Technical program committee member and session organizer, International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization (ICCDU XII), Washington D.C., June 2013.
  • Organizer, Symposium on CO2 Capture, Sequestration, Conversion and Utilization at 245th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Aprial 2013.
  • Chair (2012) and Vice Chair (2011) of Combustion and Material Synthesis Working Group of American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR).
  • Session chair, American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Meeting, 2011 & 2012.
  • Session chair, Air & Waste Management Association International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities in Air Quality Improvement, XiĄŻAn, China, May 2010.
  • Co-organizer and session chair: Web-Based Aerosol Science & Technology Educational Resources Workshop, 27th Annual Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research, 2008.
  • Professional membership: American Chemical Society (ACS), Electrochemical Society (ECS), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).